Distance: 17 miles
Elevation Gain: 1000 ft.
Start time: 6pm
RWGPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29531183
As mentioned above ride leaders will be available for two differently paced groups - or you can just “ride at your heart's content" with the “A or B Team”. See the calendar for ride leader contacts.
As of April 5, 2022 we will offer to ride with a ride leader at either a 12mph or 15 mph average pace. (Just a quick reminder that we are aiming for an AVERAGE pace - meaning that we will ride at higher or lower pace in sections of the route depending on terrain and traffic). Ride leaders ensure adherence to the pace goal as well as regrouping efforts at pre-determined locations as well as major intersections. Referencing our Ride Category Table these groups would be classified as B (15mph) or C+ (12mph)
These two groups will leave White Post Restoration parking lot approx. 1 minute apart. The first 2 miles (10-15 minutes) will be ridden at a warm-up pace until we reach”Mile Marker 2” where we stop to regroup and ensure everybody is ok with pace etc.
Short stops/regroups follow at (or as needed):
Mile 5 at the intersection of Rocklan Rd and Bowling Green Rd.
Mile 6.5 before we turn onto Rt 661 aka Fairground Rd.
Mile 9.7 after “1st climb”
Mile 13.5 at the Intersection of Red Gate Rd and Nelson Rd
Mile 14.5 Top of Hill in front of entrance to Longwood
Then we will make our way back to White Post to finish after 17.4 miles at the advertised average pace.
Total ride time for 12mph approx. 90 minutes, for 15mph group approx. 75 minutes
This is also a very good opportunity for anybody how is new to the sport, getting re-acquainted with cycling, getting back after an injury or simply wants to enjoy scenery at a casual pace.
Depending on the group’s needs this ride can be shortened by using several shortcuts (anywhere between 6 and 12 or the full 17 miles).There will be another dedicated ride leader assisting the group in keeping pace and regroup (see above).